The Heart Foundation seeks to create a world where no life is lost to heart disease.
The Medical Advisory Board is comprised of medical experts who employ their knowledge, expertise and resources to further heart disease research in a quest to eradicate this silent killer.
P.K. Shah, M.D.
John G. Harold, M.D.
C. Thomas Peter, M.D.
Mark Urman, M.D.
The Heart Foundation is forever grateful to our founders whose commitment to our cause has made the foundation what it is today.
Jerry Cohen *
Howard Abrams
Kraig Baron
Bruce Beard, D.D.S.
Steve Belinfante
Chris Cagnon
Laura Cohen
Curtis Dahl
Merrick Davidson
Tom Eisenstadt
Hooman Emanuel
Howard Entin
Marty Fishman, Ph.D.
Cary Gepner*
Dana Kates
Suzi Kokenda
Derek Layne
Bob Levey
Carol Levey
Di Lyle
Rob Mandell
Jack Polevoi
David Purkey
Barry Rudin
Cynthia Sieder
Stan Steinberg, D.C. *
Michael Turek, M.D.*
Alon Varsha
Steve Weber
* deceased